Answer the Call of Compassion: Volunteer with COTS!

COTS relies on a team of volunteers who help us offer a range of services. We look forward to getting to know you, learning about your talents and interests, and matching you to just the right volunteer opportunity!

QUESTIONS? Contact the Engagement Specialist at [email protected] or call (707) 765-6530 and select the option for “Volunteering and Donations” from the menu.

Volunteer Opportunities

Adult Volunteers - Apply Here!

Kitchen (18+):

  • Prep Cook
  • Server
  • Client Enrichment

Donation Drivers:

  • Pick up grocery donations : shifts available every day

Supply Drives:

  • Run a donation supply drive. We will provide a list of needed items and you do the rest.

Art at MIC:

  • Join a two-hour session of creative activities with our clients.
Youth Volunteers - Apply Here!

Kitchen (16+):

  • Prep Cook

Supply Drives:

  • Run a donation supply drive. We will provide a list of needed items and you do the rest.

Art at MIC:

  • Join a two-hour session of creative activities with our clients.
Provide a Supportive Service - Currently Full!

Client Enrichment Services:

  • Provide supportive services for our clients.
  • Opportunities Include:
  • Coaching Clients with Rental Processes
  • Job Application Assistance
  • Financial Literacy
Volunteer en Español!

¡Bienvenido a COTS! COTS depende de voluntarios para brindar comidas calientes y nutritivas a sus clientes, para ayudarlos a encontrar y conservar una vivienda, y para que su estadía en nuestro centro Mary Isaak o en el Primer refugio familiar para niños sea lo más digna posible. Los voluntarios hacen el trabajo de 21 empleados de tiempo completo en COTS, y les dan vida a nuestros programas y servicios. Nos complace mucho darles la bienvenida a nuestro equipo.

One-time volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups are also available:
  • Musician or artist interested in teaching a class or performing
  • Teaching a life-skills, art, or similar style class
  • Your company or team is looking for a way to give back to the community together.

Never done this type of work? No worries, COTS will provide:

  • Training on and use of a COTS Box Truck for drivers (no need to use your car!)
  • Assistance loading and unloading  
  • Paid background check (for drivers)
  • Additional training when needed

We accept volunteers on both a short-term and long-term basis. Our core volunteers commit to volunteering on a regular basis, usually once a week. This is a great way to build long-lasting friendships.

We talk about our families, our circle of friends, and the meaning of life. It’s one of the ways you can get together with someone without spending money or consuming anything.

A COTS Core Volunteer on volunteering in our kitchen