Recuperative Care Referral Form

Please describe the individual’s current physical/medical condition and why they need recuperative care services. Indicate the preferred date the individual would come to recuperative care:
Is the individual going to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) before coming to COTS Recuperative Care? (Yes/No). If ‘yes’, provide the name of SNF and estimated length of stay at SNF.
Please indicate the individual’s level of independence for each ADL (I = Independent, S = Needs Supervision, A = Needs Assistance, D = Dependent). Recuperative Care staff will follow up to discuss the details of the individual’s ADL assistance needs.
e.g., wheelchair, walker, cane, portable oxygen, none
Social factors do not necessarily determine the individual’s appropriateness for Recuperative Care services, but rather assist RC staff in understanding the individual’s needs and goals.
e.g., Does the individual manage their mental health by taking medications as prescribed?