Homelessness Supports
COTS offers case management, supportive services, and financial assistance to prevent and address homelessness in multiple partnerships throughout Sonoma County.
Rapid Rehousing assists individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness in obtaining and maintaining permanent housing by providing short-to-medium term financial assistance, case management, and other supportive services. COTS does not own or manage the units that are rented by Rapid Rehousing clients, but we do enter into a financial agreement with property owners to pay security deposit and graduated rental assistance.
If you are seeking this type of assistance, please contact: 707.765.6530 and select Rapid-Re Housing + Homelessness Prevention from the menu.
Santa Rosa Supportive Services
COTS, and our partner Catholic Charities, offer a variety of supportive services and financial assistance to qualifying families and individuals with the goal to help with rehousing and prevent homelessness.
The funds for this program are generously provided by the City of Santa Rosa for residents within the Santa Rosa City limits.
If you are seeking this type of assistance, please contact our Santa Rosa office at: 707-789-6375 or email us at [email protected].
Keep People Housed
Together with local partners, we’re providing essential support for individuals and families at risk of homelessness.
Once the cycle of homelessness starts, it can be challenging to return to stable housing. Eviction records and the financial losses can follow families for years or decades, preventing stability. So Keep People Housed (KPH) steps in to solve a housing crisis that could lead to homelessness. KPH provides emergency financial assistance, legal representation, and more to prevent homelessness before it starts.
If you are seeking this type of assistance, please apply at: keeppeoplehoused.org or email [email protected] with questions.