Save the Date For Hops For Homes 2025!
When: Thursday, May 8, 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Where: Brewsters Brew Garden in Downtown Petaluma
229 Water Street North, Petaluma, CA, 94952
Let’s celebrate at our annual Hops for Homes fundraiser. We hope you’ll join us Thursday, May 8th at Brewsters Beer Garden in downtown Petaluma for live music by The Incubators, food, beer, inspirational stories, programming, and so much more.
Let’s gather to create a community where everyone has a place to call home.
Stay tuned for more upcoming events!
Past Events
Hops For Homes!
When: Thursday, April 25, 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Where: Brewsters Brew Garden in Downtown Petaluma
229 Water Street North, Petaluma, CA, 94952
Let’s celebrate at our annual Hops for Homes fundraiser. We hope you’ll join us Thursday, April 25th at Brewsters Beer Garden in downtown Petaluma for music, food, beer, inspirational stories, programming, and so much more.
Let’s gather to create a community where everyone has a place to call home.
Hops For Homes: Celebrating 35 Years of COTS!
When: Thursday, April 27, 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Where: Brewsters Brew Garden in Downtown Petaluma
229 Water Street North, Petaluma, CA, 94952
It’s COTS 35th Anniversary and we can’t wait to celebrate this milestone at our annual Hops for Homes fundraiser. We hope you’ll join us Thursday, April 27th at Brewsters Beer Garden in downtown Petaluma for music, food, beer, inspirational stories, programming, and so much more.
Our silent auction will feature over 25 amazing packages including: Far Niente Winery Tasting & Wine, Stay at Hacienda San Angel in Puerto Vallarta, Flowers Vineyard Tasting and Wine, passes to area attractions, golf, more wine and more! View full list of donors at
Studios at Montero Virtual Town Hall
When: Thursday, March 30, 12:00pm-12:45pm
Where: Zoom
We are thrilled to announce that on Thursday, March 30, at Noon, we will be hosting a second Virtual Town Hall to share more about our upcoming Permanent Supportive Housing project: Studios at Montero!
We hope you’ll join us to find out more about:
The Project’s Overview
SAM Community Guidelines & Security
How You Can Get Involved
And More!

Butter and Eggs Day Parade
When: April 23, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Where: Downtown Petaluma, Kentucky Street, Petaluma
The Petaluma Downtown Association is proud to announce that after a two-year hiatus, the Butter & Egg Days Parade will once again bring the community together for the iconic parade and festival on April 23, 2022.
The theme, “Community – The Heart of Petaluma,” celebrates the opportunity for Petalumans to gather together after the cancellation of the event in 2020 and 2021. Honoring the myriad of engaged non-profits, businesses, and volunteers with huge giving hearts that fuel our community spirit, the theme echoes what makes Petaluma such a special place to live. The parade is expected to have over 100 units with approximately 3,000 participants and 200 volunteers, and COTS will be there proudly representing, both in the parade and at a booth. Come on out and join us!

The Sonoma County Human Race 2022 – #StrongerTogether!
When: May 7, 7:00am – 11:00am
Where: Old Courthouse Square in downtown Santa Rosa
3500 Sonoma Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
The Sonoma County Human Race is the largest community-driven 5k fundraising event in Sonoma County, and COTS is thrilled to be participating! There are many ways you can support us:
- Help us reach our goal of raising $5,000 by donating to our team fundraising page, donating to one of our team member’s pages, joining our team, or starting a fundraising team of your own. You can do any or all of these here:
- Share our page with your friends and family. Just think, if ten people you know give $10, that’s $100 towards supporting our clients and programs – providing nutritious meals to those who are hungry or going towards providing shelter to those in need.
- Purchase a new shirt, specially designed for this year’s event: Come wear it out to say hi at our booth, wear it to walk in the 5k, or just show your support around town! If you choose to walk in the event, be sure to select COTS (Committee on the Shelterless) as your beneficiary organization.
And of course, we hope you’ll join us in person on Saturday, May 7 at Old Courthouse Square in downtown Santa Rosa and run, walk, or roll in support of COTS and other Sonoma County nonprofits! We’ll also have an informational booth if you’d like to stop by and say hi.