Warren and the Site Service team make repairs to a floor at one of the COTS Integrity Houses. Please contact us at (707) 765-6530 x 110 for more information about partnering with COTS to provide housing to our clients.

Here’s an excerpt from a letter from one of our rental partners

I knew of COTS when I lived in Petaluma, but didn’t have any experience with the organization. My then across-the-street neighbor volunteers at COTS. When she and her husband bought a second home and moved into it, they rented their first home as a COTS integrity house. I got to know my new neighbors there, and though we didn’t become best friends, they were pleasant people and good neighbors.


Due to a change in my personal life, I’ve been renting my house as a COTS integrity house since April, 2011. I called my former neighbor and discussed her experience renting her house through COTS. She praised the program and highlighted the benefits to the community, her tenants, and herself. It sounded like a win-win-win situation. So I called COTS and got the ball rolling. (I’ll add that this is the first time I have rented a property, so I didn’t know what to expect. I knew I could go through a property management business or I could rent it on my own. But COTS was my choice.)

Working with COTS has been a pleasure. Before renting, they did some work on it – painting, replacing a cracked window, fixing a hole in the wall, replacing some bathroom tile. I was most appreciative of this. COTS selects the tenants, and each tenant signs an agreement. In effect, each tenant promises to be on his or her best behavior to remain in the program. COTS manages the tenants and the property, and I get the rent. Regarding the rent, I’ve had only one late payment; the tenants are good about paying in full and on time. When one of the tenants was in the hospital, I contacted COTS to say that she could be late with the rent under the circumstances. But COTS cut me a check for the rent and later collected from her. COTS also has a maintenance team whom the tenants contact for minor repairs. COTS manages the program well, and I don’t have to worry. I am pleased with the way the program works.

That said, I’m not a micro-managing landlord. I meet the new tenants, and I’ve stopped by a couple of times (clearing my visit with COTS). I like all my tenants, and enjoy getting to know them a little better. (When I renewed my lease with COTS, one tenant was so grateful. He shook my hand, gave me a big hug, and said, “Thank you. You sure are helping me get back on my feet.” It was a heartfelt moment for both of us.)

I am still a friend with several of my old neighbors in Petaluma. We email, and I see them a few times a year. When I rented the house, I asked them to tell me of any problems with their “new neighbors.” I haven’t had any complaints. When I see my old neighbors, I always ask, “So, how are your neighbors?” Meaning, of course, my tenants. They respond, “They’re fine” or “No problems.” From what I know, everyone is getting along.

I think the COTS program is a very good one. It is well managed, and as I said above, it is a win-win-win situation. I’m proud to be a part of it.

Another landlord says, “I have had no neighbors complain to us about the tenants, nor have I had any trouble with them.

If you or someone you know would like to help COTS in this way, please send us a message or make a comment below and we can talk about it!